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Is frothy urine harmful?

One of my patients came up with a very common issue of encountering foamy urine. Mr. Das is a middle-aged man and manages a busy schedule due to work. He has observed this change in his urine for a week now and decided to see me. I could understand his concern from his very first point. He wanted to know what went wrong that his urine is getting frothy and what can he do to recover?
He says that he has discussed this with his close people and they have warned him about his kidney’s health deteriorating.

Does the loss of proteinuria or frothy urine indicate an early sign of damaged kidneys ?

Let’s discuss the factors behind this concerning matter today, before proceeding to any conclusion and feeling further stressed.

What does protein in the urine mean?
In simple terms, the formation of foam while an individual urinates is considered a leakage of protein. A little sum of protein in your urine can be ordinary, but excess can be a sign of kidney disease.

Moment of Truth for proteinuria.
When you observe in tests that the amount of protein is 1+, 2+ or 3+ or a layer of foam is formed during urine.

What causes protein in the urine?
Stable kidneys expel additional liquid and squander from your blood and change it into urine. Healthy kidneys don’t evacuate proteins and other critical supplements, which pass through and return to your blood. But when your kidneys are harmed, they may let this protein spill into your urine. This causes elevated levels of protein in your urine. Anyone can have protein in their urine. You will be more likely to have protein in your urine in case you have got one or more of the hazard factors for kidney disease. There are health issues that can cause long-lasting protein within the urine, and a few that can cause short-term protein within the urine.

What is proteinuria?
All the reactions that take place in our body, result in the secretion of a few body waste in terms of protein. But what is actually meant by the term proteinuria is an excess amount of albumin being eliminated from our body. Now there are many reasons and diseases due to which protein loss is seen through urine. The reason behind the loss of protein, manner, the kind of protein, the amount in which it is being eliminated is the facts that are taken into consideration when it comes to proteinuria loss. Not only that, the process in which the amount of protein is tested in urine also plays an important part.

Urine dip stick test for proteinuria

Who should get tested for albuminuria (proteinuria)?
.Individuals with diabetes.
.Individuals with high blood pressure.
.Individuals with a family history of kidney failure.
.Individuals aging 65 or more.
.Certain ethnic bunches counting African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, and American Indians.

Different types of proteinuria and their function:
Proteinuria in urine can be divided in two parts- 1. Glomerular proteinuria, 2.Tubular proteinuria. The structural and functional area of the kidney, that is the nephron, within that glomerulus is the actual filtration unit. In simple terms, the glomerulus is the part that is responsible for our body’s filtration, which concludes to all the toxins that need to be filtered out of the body and all that need to be retained back in the body. Due to certain glomerular diseases, the proper filtration of protein fails to take place. That is the filtration pores in the glomerulus increase resulting in the leakage of protein.

Tubular proteinuria is a result of tubulointerstitial disease affecting the proximal renal tubules and interstitium. This results in decreased proximal reabsorption of proteins—in particular, low molecular weight proteins.

Treatment for proteinuria may vary according to age:
Usually, all the diseases regarding proteinuria in the glomerulus cannot be identified just by stressing the protein, there are other factors like RBC, and pus cell in urine that has to be taken into consideration to identify whether it is related to the glomerular or tubular disease and is harmful to the kidney or not. There are other kinds of proteinuria that is being leaked out of our body but aren’t harmful to the Kidney’s health. Despite that, the loss of protein makes us nervous. Hence, if the loss of protein is observed in a urine test, then do consult a nephrologist. Remember that usually the proteinuria imbalance for children (age less than 10 or 12 years) can perfectly be cured by treatment. When aged people come across benign proteinuria, the reason might be due to long hours of standing, fever, or excessive stress. So do not take further stress regarding the loss of proteinuria and get yourself treated by a nephrologist.

Proteinuria for patients with High blood pressure and diabetes:
It is important to understand that if a person is suffering from high blood pressure for a long period of time, he or she might also face proteinuria loss through urine. For that usage of certain medications can solve the problem. Only people who have been diabetic for a prolonged period of time may also suffer from protein leakage due to diabetes’ effect on the kidney. Diabetic proteinuria is an important matter, if you have come across that then there are certain ways of treatment, and changes in diet that can help in recovering from the loss of proteinuria.

We have initiated a yoga form known as Mukti that is taught and trained to our patients. It helps in establishing a sympathetic and parasympathetic balance, which is important for recovering from autonomic neuropathy, and glomerular hypertension resulting in loss of proteinuria, besides the use of treatment and medicine. We request everyone to contact a nephrologist who is suffering from proteinuria.

Steps to be taken to solve the problem of proteinuria:

  1. Treatment of the diseases that lead to proteinuria
  2. To change diet pattern
  3. Modification in Lifestyle
  4. Good Quality Sleep. (sleeping pill is not the only answer, we provide a special session named yoga Nidra that helps our patients in having quality sleep)

Other than that there are many other Ashans that helps in the correction of kidney autonomic imbalance. Thus the combination of all in the correct proportion can help you get rid of proteinuria loss. You might be suffering from benign proteinuria but that is not quite harmful to your health. Avoid being panicked if you notice protein in your urine, and consult a nephrologist to get back to your healthy life.

To buy a copy of Yoga Nidra Contact: +91 6292266878

To enroll in Mukti- A life changing course on yoga and life style


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