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If you are diabetic you should seriously consider adding glyconutrients to your diet. “Glycol” means sugar, the very substance diabetes sufferers aim to avoid, but glyconutrients are good sugars and can strengthen a diabetes system. Glyconutrients do not convert to sugar, they are not glucose or sucrose.

Glyconutrients are referred to eight plant monosaccharides (i.e. sugars) obtained from a dietary supplement designed to supply a reproducible source of the principal carbohydrates found in the sugar chains of glycoproteins and glycolipids.

Diabetes Mellitus results when the body is unable to regulate glucose and insulin. Glucose derived from starch and carbohydrates is the fuel used by the cells to produce energy. The hormone released by the pancreas, that derives the glucose into the cell is insulin. Only when insulin is present will the glucose in the blood be transported into the cell. Glyconutrients provide all 8 plant monosaccharides like fucose, galactose, glucose, mannose, N-acetylgalactosamine, N-acetylglucosamine, N-acetylneuraminic acid, and xylose which play a critical role in the cell to cell communication. They are not digested for energy and do not convert the glucose but go to the cells to connect with glycoproteins. They are biologically active, natural, and totally non-interactive with conventional medicine.

Herbal and Dietary Sources of Glyconutrients

·       Aloe Vera and Mushrooms (not buttons)

·       Crustaceans- One of the essential sugars, N-acetylglucosamine is found in the shells of crustaceans, including shrimp, krill and crabs.

·       Galactose is very common in our diets like Dairy Products, Fruits (Apples, Blackberries, Cherries, Cranberries, Currants, kiwi, Fenugreek, Avocado, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Cucumber, Potatoes, Eggplant, Tomatoes, Lettuce, Green Beans, Green Peas, Pumpkins, Spinach.

·       Mannose is not easily found in a food source. One of the main sources is Aloe Vera Gel.

·       Xylose is located in Guava, Pears, Blackberries, and Broccoli.


However, any addition of glyconutrients to your diet must be pre-consulted and discussed with your nutritionists. It is extremely important to know the amount and frequency.

How can you get the full range of glyconutrient benefits? Here are ways in which you can get great health benefits from glyconutrients.


  1. Consume Fiber : Having diabetes can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease. If you have diabetes or prediabetes, fiber is your friend because it helps with blood sugar control and weight management.
  2. Give Your Body Time to Start Healing: Glyconutrients are able to repair damaged tissue throughout the body and allow the system to heal itself. Glyconutrient does not treat symptoms. They will strengthen your immune system and metabolism at a cellular level. So it will be beneficial to those suffering from diabetes.
  3. Drink Pure spring water: Spring water is said to be the healthiest water to drink because it provides critical nutrients as it passes through the body. Spring water provides much-needed oxygen to the body and brain, aids digestion, aids in weight management, and tastes delicious. Spring water is never flat or cooked. It offers a fantastic drinking experience that is also beneficial to the body.
  4. Don’t take glyconutrients of any kind on an empty stomach. Why? No, it won’t hurt you, but your body will burn it for energy. That is expensive energy. Glyconutrients are best absorbed when mixed with food or stirred into a drink.
  5. Don’t take fiber supplements within 1 hour of any other supplement.
  6. Use all three of the basic products like Gly-Antioxidant, Phytosterol, Food based vitamins. These three products represent four sciences that work together synergistically, like the four wheels on a car work together. (a) Cellular communication is provided by glyconutrients. (b) Anti-Oxidant protection from free radicals and “internal terrorists”. (c) Natural plant hormones provided by the phytosterol. (d) Essential vitamins and minerals in a food form state for maximum assimilation provided by the food-based vitamin.

Many believe that there is no cure for diabetes and many say they have been cured of diabetes. Whatever your belief, one thing is for sure, an improved diet and lifestyle, without any doubt would allow you to have a more normal and fully functional life.



2023-07-20 17:15:15

Very helpful. To whom I consult?

2023-05-09 06:33:40

All are useful, thanks sir

2023-01-08 05:14:11

After my KT surgery I have developed a Diabetes , Please advise about the diet I should take to lower it .

2023-01-06 23:11:37

Very helpful

2023-01-02 07:11:40

Very interesting. Like to use. But how?

2023-01-02 07:02:25

How best Aloe Vera can be consumed as glyconutrients?

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